Our team of instructors take pride in delivering real skills for the real world. From fundamental skills to advanced tip and tricks, there is something for every firefighter.
Keys to the City
Eric Wheaton
Jimmy Berry
Jeff Myrwk
Aaron Mullins
Ken Ireland
Quincy Schieder-Heisel
Ryan Salter
Mike McGurk
Mike Schwartz
Ron Glass
Jesse Benton
Clint Robinson
Oliver Harper
James Fussell
Catherine Recicar
Mike Salzano
Rob Ramirez
Garrett Pingol
George DeAngelo
Dustin Miller
Jesus Martinez
Pauly Del Santo
Michael Salzano
Joe Fox
Can Confidence
Jeff Spinelli
Scott Ketcham
Michael Templeton
Advanced Extrication
Jeff Hakola
Chris Beeler
Jose Zamura
Steve DiPalma
Chris Lewis
Tony Gillan
Bryan Davis
Phil Scholes
JT Burns
Clayton Fussell
Scott Hammond